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How to Get Started Contributing to TomEE or any Open Source Project

By Apache TomEE, Community, Open Source No Comments
What follows is an article, "Contribution Tips",  from the updated Community page on the TomEE website initially penned by David Blevins and improved by the Community, which explains how to get started contributing to Apache TomEE. We've been fortunate enough to have had several people join the project since the "The Best Thing I Ever Did Was Open Source" and "TomEE for the Holidays" posts were published.. I cannot think of a better resource to get folks started than the article re-published below.  Regardless of what project you are working on it is excellent advice. Subscribe to the developer mailing…
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TomEE: A Tutorial on Microprofile Rest Client

By MicroProfile, Open Source, Tomitribe No Comments
On a previous blog post, Triber Ivan Junckes Filho published an overview of the MicroProfile Rest Client (Rest Client) standard. In this tutorial, we are going to build on Ivan’s overview to show you, step by step, how you can develop and deploy this type-safe approach to consume an existing JAX-RS microservices with Apache TomEE 8 M1. If you have not read Ivan’s overview, it is suggested you do that first and then come back to this tutorial. The toolset we are going to use for this tutorial includes Java 8, Apache TomEE 8 M1 and Maven 3.6. The technologies…
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JavaDay Ecuador 2018

By Community, Tomitribe One Comment
On September 8, the first edition of Java Ecuador Day was held in beautiful Quito, Ecuador. The conference boasted more than 350 attendees with 20 speakers. As a Triber, I got the opportunity to attend as one of those speakers and together, alongside the attendees, we shared the latest knowledge in the Enterprise Java Ecosystem. Topics covered included Jakarta EE, Serverless, MicroProfile, Clean architecture, Cloud, Microservices, and success stories.   Alberto Salazar, the leader of the Java User Group in Ecuador, indicated that this is the first time that professionals from the region, members of the Java Community Process, Java Champions,…
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TomEE: Tutorial on MicroProfile JWT

By Apache TomEE, MicroProfile 4 Comments
Last week we published the post, "MicroProfile JWT" by @JLouisMonteiro that covers the basics, standards, pros, and cons involved in implementing stateless security with Microprofile JWT. In this post, we are going to deep dive into JWT role-based access control on Apache TomEE. Since the release of TomEE 7.1, we now have a JWT specification implementation defined using Microprofile version 1.2. The specification is available in the official release. Marking a JAX-RS Application as Requiring MP-JWT RBAC For this, you need to add the annotation @LoginConfig to your existing subclass. The purpose of the @LoginConfig is to annotate the…
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Javeros de Colombia 2018

By Community, MicroProfile, Tomitribe No Comments
The inaugural Javeros de Colombia conference was held in the city of Cali Colombia on May 19th. The Javeros de Colombia is designed to provide a space for Latin American Java User Groups, education, public and private sectors to gather together and discuss the latest Java related technologies and trends like: Microservices, Cloud, Jakarta EE, Microprofile, Security, and DevOps. The conference was organized by three Columbian JUGs from the cities: Cali @CLOJUG , Medellin @MedellinJug, and Barranquilla @JUGBAQ . Together these JUGs created an outstanding gathering with content and with speakers from all over Latin America that included Community Leaders, Open Source Advocates, Java Champions, Oracle Aces and…
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Attention Bay Area: See David Talk TomEE at Google on Wednesday Night

By Community No Comments
If you are in the Bay Area, stop by Mountain View tonight to see David Blevin discuss TomEE at the Silicon Valley Java Users Group (SVJUG). For more information and to RSVP, click here. There are a limited number of seats available. Here's the talk description, but more important than the presentation you'll have a chance to ask David your questions after the presentation: "Apache TomEE is the Java EE 6 Web Profile certified version of Apache Tomcat and combines the simplicity of Tomcat with the power of Java EE. The first half of this session introduces TomEE and shows…
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